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Karaage Setsuna

Best Japanese& Hawaiian food in town

3.3/52 Yorum

Karaage Setsuna focuses on current Hawaiian fare, which has been constantly evolving with great influence of Asian, especially Japanese cuisine. The owner chef Yoshi Matsumoto with 20 years of experience in Japanese restaurant business created all of our recipes merging local, Hawaiian and Japanese food culture. We believe our signature menu item “Karaage” -Japanese style fried chicken- can be the newest tradition in Seattle!

Sık Sorulan Sorular

Q Specialties

Japanese cuisine. The owner chef Yoshi Matsumoto with 20 years of experience in Japanese restaurant business created all of our recipes merging local, Hawaiian and Japanese food culture.

Q Our Best

We believe our signature menu item "Karaage" -Japanese style fried chicken- can be the newest tradition in Seattle!

2 Yorum: Karaage Setsuna

19 Yorum
karaage was good

The curry rice and chicken karaage was good. The chicken was tender inside and crunchy enough outside to stand up to the curry. The spicy karaage was equally as tender but overly simplistic given that the only seasoning appeared to be 7-spice. The miso soup was pretty standard and brought out at the beginning of the meal.

Yorumu Değerlendir Beğen 0 Komik 0 Mükemmel 0
ayhop 63 Yorum
Friendly envirement and good food

I ordered a pitcher of Sapporo beer and the large order of the chicken karaage (which is their specialty) to share. For dinner, I ordered the poke salad – you can pick from tuna, salmon, or tofu. The menu offers a bunch of Japanese and Japanese-Hawaiian fare, like loco moco

Yorumu Değerlendir Beğen 0 Komik 0 Mükemmel 0

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